Friday, August 30, 2013

Story Untold: Alternate Ending

Story Untold: Alternate Ending 
Characters: Antigone, Creaon, Haemon 
By: Shane Gabbard

     At the cave where Antigone was left to die, shortly after Haemon disowned his father.  Before Antionge committed suicide. 

HAEMON:  (after successfully sneaking up on the guards and killing them) Antigone, Antigone... can you hear me? I've come to save you.

ANTIGONE:  Yes my love I'm here, I knew you would come!  How did you get past the guards?

Haemon runs in the cave before any more trouble comes their way and helps Antigone out of the cave.

HAEMON:  Don't worry about it my love I'm here to save you now.

ANTIGONE:  (after seeing the guards dead) Oh Haemon what have you done? What are we going to do now?

HAEMON:  We are going to run away forever Antigone.  You and me, away from this nightmare of a town which was once ours.

Not long after leaving the entrance of the cave Creaon finds them escaping and orders his guards to run them down and capture them.

CREAON:  How dare you both defy me!  I will not let this go without harsh punishment.

Creaon and his guards take them to Thebes where they lock them both in a cell.  One sitting across from the other, shackles hold their hands against the cell's walls.

ANTIGONE:  I will not let us die in the hands of that man.  I will not lay in this cell until death with you either.

HAEMON:  Then what do you suggest?  We are shackled to the walls of this cold cell there is nothing we can do.

ANTIGONE:  (ponders for a moment)  My love I want to thank you for all that you have done.  We cannot die of starvation in this cell, and I will not let Creaon put his hands on us anymore.  

HAEMON:  Then what do we do?

ANTIGONE:  I want to take my last breath with you.  I want our souls to be released into the underworld together.  

HAEMON:  I love you Antigone.  Se you in the after life.

With eyes open looking into one another they both hold their breaths until they cannon take anymore.  They hold their breaths until their death...

Haemon comes in to find them dead in the cell after one nights stay.  While he is there looking at their bodies a guard rushes to tell him the news of his wife's death as well.  Creon is a broken man the gods have taught him well for defying them.  After many failed attempts to commit suicide he realizes the gods are punishing him by making him live his life with the shame and remorse until he dies an old lonesome death.


  1. You had a chance to cheer this up, Shane. But, no, it's still depressing.

  2. now i want to kill myself
